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This Max MSP and Unity project allows users to collaboratively create a piece of music over the local network with OSC. All clients play audio locally, allowing users to be part of different rooms. However, the main Max project also plays audio if all users are together.
Technical Sound Designer
Working with Relic and Microsoft, I ported Age of Empires IV to Xbox One and Xbox Series platforms.
Technical Sound Designer
Working at Climax Studios, I had the oppurtunity to bring Returnal to PC and ensure its excellent audio was upheld and championed on the new platform.
Technical Sound Designer
With a few months left till release, Climax Studios continued the work started by The Eccentric Ape.
I designed and implemented all sound, music and voices for this Unity demo project using Wwise. My friend Jessica helped by providing the vocal performance for the player character.
Rory Burcham and I created a small Unity game where audio is a diegetic element. For example, some NPCs hum the melody of your music, your companion fires in tempo with the beat, and many puzzles require audio changes like music selection and volume. I programmed many of the diegetic audio effects and the core gameplay features.
Inspired by Project Acoustics, my dissertation focused on audio wave simulation. In the end, I created OpenPL, a 2D wave simulation tool similar to Planeverb. OpenPL is not ready for commercial release but features a working simulation in Unreal Engine, Unity, Wwise and FMOD.
Numbskull Serialization is a free plugin made for Unreal Engine 4 and released on the Unreal Marketplace. It aims to help new games save and load data, outside of Unreal's Save Game system. Compared to the Save Game system, Numbskull Serialization allows users to save data to multiple files, save them wherever and save any type of UObject with ease. In its first two days, it sold 1,000 units and over 40,000 in a one year period.
After taking lessons in Audio Programming, I taught myself the FMOD API and created some primitive DSP plugins in C++. So far, I have made a delay, low and high pass filter, soft and hard clip distortion, parametric equaliser and WIP reverb.
In my spare time I created a Minecraft clone in Unity. The main features are its terrain and cave generation, chunk loading and generation, and placing and destroying blocks. While primitive compared to the original game, I am very happy with its results and what I learnt.